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What a pretty dress! I love the fabric and the style. Would you be willing to provide any detail? :) By the way, I love your hat and your hairstyle. The tassel is definitely necessary! Have a great day.


Kristen Stoltzfus Clay

What sort of detail, Sarah?

Glad you like the tassel! :-)


What kind of fabric you used, what pattern, that kind of stuff. :)

Oh, and it's the silliest thing, but I have been meaning to tell you since the first time I saw one of your photos...I am happy to see your glasses in all of your photographs! I wear them myself and it is just rare to see other young ladies with them. They look lovely on you and it makes me smile in a comfortable sort of way. LIke I said, silly, but I had to mention it.

Kristen Stoltzfus Clay

Well, I used Butterick 6833 for the pattern, and as for fabric, I used (shhh!) a sheet from a thrift store. Sheets are my favorite secret sewing supply. Sure, you have to examine them for stains, spots, rubs, fading, etc, but if you do find one in good condition it is usually high quality cotton or cotton blend with a nice sheen, washes well and might not need ironed, and usually costs a few dollars for a whole huge length of fabric. No problem with squeezing pattern pieces like you do with a narrow width! Sometimes they have decorative borders you can incorporate into the skirt or bodice or sleeves, which makes your dress look that much more upscale. You just have to figure out the approximate size of sheet needed, depending on the era of dress you're making, since the huge width makes all the pattern information for cutting layout irrelevant. This particular one was a great find since it is a solid color with a muted tonal design - great for doing dresses with detail like this one's yoke and tucks. My Easter dress this year was made from a sheet as well.

And I'm glad you like me with glasses. :-) I think they're a pain, especially when I am in costume and they are NOT period correct, but am far too nearsighted to be without them every waking minute and haven't gotten around to trying contacts yet. Maybe someday I can afford to put prescription lenses in vintage frames. But I'm glad to hear you think they are becoming!


Thank you for answering my questions! :) Using sheets for fabric is a wonderful idea, one that I have employed on more than one occasion. I have yet to find such pretty ones as you have, but I like to use them for mockups and trial runs, as there is hardly any money invested. It seems we always have a supply of flat sheets in the linen closet, as the fitted sheets wear out faster. Which is convenient for me!

I will have to check out that particular pattern. I have a bad habit of never making something right out of the envelope...always have to modify, change, or combine other pieces into a project. I have often wondered if that is the mark of a mad scientist seamstress, or one who is creative and skilled?! ;) I convince myself it is the latter.

While I don't wear vintage or historical clothing as much as I want to, I know what you mean about glasses not being period correct. But there is no way I can live without them! And I am settled with that. I'm afraid I won't probably ever try contacts, the idea of deliberately poking something in my eye is kind of scary. I know, I'm strange. ;)

Thank you for writing such a delightful blog...it is encouraging to discover other like-minded ladies out there. Blessings to you!!!

Dapper Fam

Thank you for writing such a delightful blog. The green dress is a showstopper! Paired with the kooky hat, it's a perfect blend of bold and quirky. The ensemble radiates confidence and fun, making a style statement that turns heads.

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