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Oh, Kristen!! This is such an absolutely gorgeous outfit!! Congratulations on such an amazing find! It fits you so perfectly and looks lovely.
Aren't wide belts handy for waist-length problems? It works great and looks lovely on your dress.
Merry Christmas, Kristen!!

Sarah A.

Such a timeless and classic look! You pulled this one off perfectly, Kristen. I can just imagine how excited you must have been to find this dress at the thrift store! :) The pearls, heels, and your hair are also perfection here. As well as the fresh snow. ;) Thanks for sharing with us!

Leya Delray

Ooooh! I think this may be my favorite post yet! What a fabulous find. And it looks gorgeous on you. My favorite picture is the one where you're spinning the skirt out a bit. I love the umbrella too. And the corsage.

Aren't thrift stores so much fun though? I found a very 40's-ish modern dress last month or so that I'm hoping will look authentic enough to wear at the next reenactment I attend.

And DON'T I know what you mean about wanting more excuses to dress up! Even at Christmas time there's only a few chances. Save me please, somebody, from the "jeans-for-every-occasion" club!


Ooo! Great find! We don't get pieces like that in Australia, but it's so exciting that you could find such a gorgeous dress! ❤

bonita of Lavender & Twill

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