It is a truth universally acknowledged...
...that no matter how many buttons one collects, one rarely has the right buttons for the current sewing project!
This truth leads to the buying of vintage button lots, in the hopes that you can fill some of the gaps for next time! And buying large button lots lead to a few hours' spree doing button sorting while watching Poirot.
There were a lot of buttons that should be easy to use, in various quantities for blouses or button-down dresses, but some will need just the right project to accessorize, like these lovely old ones.
How fun to see them in person and discover all the neat ones you didn't notice in the photos! It's like a treasure hunt.
I have to admit, the red buttons were a big reason for buying this lot! I just have a thing for red buttons...they will probably mostly end up on blue dresses, too! :-)
Aha. Blue ones! I already mentioned my need for blue buttons!
A lot of these had threads from previous use. It's fun to think that they outlived some beautiful vintage garment and now get a new lease on life.
I know I filled some button needs in my stash with this lot (and - ahem - added considerably to my collection), and will enjoy seeing what I end up using from these in the near future. I may still have to plan some outfits around the buttons, instead of the other way around...but a girl can't have too many buttons, right?
I bought a huge box full of buttons and notions, and have used almost none of them . . . Sometimes it's so hard to match up a project with buttons!
Posted by: Elizabeth | 03/02/2017 at 06:09 PM
Sometimes you have buttons so wonderful that you have to find a project to make for them! I have some green buttons I love, still on the card, but I just can't find the right fabric to make a blouse or dress for them!
Posted by: Michelle @mysewingkit | 03/03/2017 at 06:36 AM
Oh yes, sometimes you have to plan the project around the buttons if you're going to make sure you use some special favorites!
Posted by: Kristen Stoltzfus Clay | 03/03/2017 at 09:59 AM