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Gina White

You have got to be one of the most adorable pregnant ladies I have ever seen! I love this dress on you! It is so sweet and the bodice is just fun! The issues you mentioned sound like they can easily be remedied on the next one and this looks like it could be altered to a non maternity dress for future!!


Kudos for you for another very pretty dress! The details so cute! Yes the background does fit in very nicely. Just wondering, do you get stares or comments when you go "out there" in all those pretty dresses , not to mention vintage shoes? Do you feel uncomfortable in a world of jeans and flip flops/crocs? I used to get commented whenever I picked up my son at school and I wore flats! (Iam a dress/skirt gal) I always felt I would dress more vintage/retro if many other women did, but unfortunately that's not the case. Love your posts!
Happy Summer! 🍉


Lovely dress...those red buttons are perfection!! :-) I like dresses with ties in the back(maternity or not).

You look great, Kristen...you always look good in the color blue!

Best wishes,

Kristen Stoltzfus Clay

Thank you Gina, Irene, and Dee! So far I'm pleased with the dress despite the issues. I have a few more maternity outfits I want to make, so I don't know if I will do another version of this dress this time around, but at least I know for next time!

Irene - I do get some attention, though with the huge range of styles fashion accommodates today (including the wild and weird) I get less than you might think. Most of it is actually positive, and I get a lot of compliments. I have a thick skin so I don't really mind stares if I do get them, and figure that if I wait till fashion is how I like it, I'll never dress the way I want, so go ahead and do it. Just because everyone else dresses down doesn't mean I have to. :-) I try to be tasteful even in my dirty-work or lounging-around-the-house clothes. I think it's a shame the way women tend to let themselves go when they are at home to the point where even just a decent outfit is unusual, so this is partly my way of holding up a better standard.


I totally agree with you. Have you seen some choices of outfits that they put on the mannequins in the window displays in the mall? Yegads, what were they thinking?! You should see how they dress going to a NY b'way show these days, disgraceful ! . I remember buying a new outfit just for that occasion. Can't understand how sloppy/dressed down society has become. Well this can get to be a long topic conversation, so I think I'll stop for now. Lol.
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy 🙂
Always enjoy reading your lovely sewing/fashion posts.


Hello! Any chance you could share what this pattern brand and number was? I love it and would love to add it to my maternity wear. :) TIA

Kristen Stoltzfus Clay

Hi Bri,

It was a Companion-Butterick pattern, number 1059. Hope you can find a copy!

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