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Again I loved your post. You look so Lovely!

Johanne Kemp

Hi A newish reader to your blog - I have read all of it! It is wonderful to see your journey in sewing, hats, hair etc very inspiring. I have recently returned to sewing my own clothes having discovered the vintage patterns still available. My first vintage pattern I purchased in 1984 aged 14. My eras are also the 1930's to 50's. I have never learned to crochet but do knit mostly vintage borrowing my Mothers patterns. I love your additions to dresses sleeve tabs, different collars, etc to stamp your identity on garments - have borrowed the sleeve tab idea already on my current make! Appreciate your posts as it takes time to generate photos, do the script etc may you continue with your blog post. Many thanks Jo


Enjoyed seeing the jacket from your summer suit with the white skirt! (Aren't suits so versatile?) I think red and white together looks great for the summer. I have been wearing more hair flowers too--they look good on you.

Kristen Stoltzfus Clay

I am so happy you are enjoying the blog, Johanne! It's so much fun to be inspired and to inspire people in turn. I'm sure the sleeve tabs are a great addition to your current project!

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